Anti-Hate Crime
"The term 'hate crime' can be used to describe a range of criminal behaviour where the perpetrator is motivated by
hostility or demonstrates hostility towards the victim's disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or transgender
"These aspects of a person's identity are known as 'protected characteristics'. A hate crime can include verbal abuse, intimidation, threats, harassment, assault and bullying, as well as damage to property. The perpetrator can also be a
friend, carer or acquaintance who exploits their relationship with the victim for financial gain or some other criminal purpose."
(from: https://www.cps.gov.uk/hate-crime)
How to report hate crimeIf you are in immediate danger, call 999
Call 101 for non-emergency enquiries
In addition, you can report hate crime to some of the organisations who support affected communities, including:
Call 101 for non-emergency enquiries
In addition, you can report hate crime to some of the organisations who support affected communities, including:
- Stop Hate UK (all hate crime)
- Tell Mama (anti-Muslim hate crime)
- Community Security Trust (anti-Semitic hate crime)
- GALOP (anti-LGBTQ+ hate crime)
- True Vision (all hate crime)
- In Cymru/Wales: Victim Support (all hate crime)
Crimes Against Older People (CAOP)Our approach to dealing with CAOP has much in common with the monitored
strands of hate crime. There can also be links from a crime against an older person to one or more of these strands.
For these reasons, we include the CAOP policy and guidance here.
strands of hate crime. There can also be links from a crime against an older person to one or more of these strands.
For these reasons, we include the CAOP policy and guidance here.
Police services have the option to add additional characteristics, and in April 2013 Greater Manchester Police became the
first police service in the country to also record alternative sub-culture related hate crime, also known as alterophobia. (from https://www.gmpcc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Hate-Crime-Report-FINAL1.pdf
The origin of GMP recognition of alterophobia hate crime derives from the campaigns following the murder of Sophie Lancaster because she was part of the Goth sub-culture. Details can be read on - https://www.sophielancasterfoundation.com/