
Of course this now means I'll be writing captions about her as well...
Anyway, getting onto other Doctors...

Well, the first Doctor might have been absent minded at times. (His companion Ian Chesterton could tell you about that.) Mind you the sixth Doctor did try to fix the TARDIS chameleon circuit. Yeah it didn't work...

As for his grand-daughter trying to fix things with a sonic screwdriver...

Things didn't get better when the first Doctor regenerated into the second Doctor.

Of course even the Doctor Who monsters weren't happy with the second Doctor and his Scottish companion, Jamie, gatecrashing the Web of Fear party.

Of course the Third Doctor was also accommodating with monsters especially if they had eyesight problems.

No one will officially admit it but UNIT were having major financial problems when the third Doctor was around. (UNIT was even trying to say it was in the 80s not 70s to avoid paying tax or maybe it was avoiding the compensation claims after repeated fights with the Master.) Anyway the third Doctor took up a telesales job to financially help matters.

These claims for compensation included the normally timid sea devils who just wanted to do some sunbathing on various beaches around the world. (They also didn't like people screaming and running away from them on these beaches especially when all they wanted was to sunbathe and get a Tequila Sunrise cocktail.)

Few people realize the Time War also had effects upon other incarnations of the Doctor. The third Doctor had to fight the Sontarans who wanted to watch 'X Factor' on TV.
How could I refuse to write this?
On Twitter @WhovianLeap suggested to people being Terrance Dicks and writing the opening scene for the 13th Doctor so I did but it also led me to writing more... Here's a taster of some I've written so far:

She barely knew who she was. The cold air rushed around her as she fell looking at the burning of a place she hardly knew. She had been thrown from a secure place to land somewhere else. And yet that somehow felt familiar.
As she collapsed on the ground she could feel the pain of her shattered new body but then... there was glowing around her body as it mended itself. She sat up and knew it would but... she still didn't know who she was and why she was wearing some man's clothes.
She was also mystified by where she was. It wasn't where it was supposed to be. She was on the ground and yet she wasn't. She could hear so much anguished whispering all around her. But then there was one clear voice almost in her ear. A mocking and tired male voice but it was one she'd heard sometime before.
It expressed, "Let's see if you can know who I am before you die." He paused. "You do know you're dying don't you?"
She looked around trying to pinpoint where he was. "Who are you?"
The voice laughed. "You know my voice and yet you don't know who you are. I'll help you to save yourself. Follow me."
There was something in her mind that reminded her of someone she knew but...
She frowned, trying to remember. It wasn't her but it was her or him or whoever she was or whoever he was that met this person.
She held her temples and whispered, "I won't give in."
The voice responded, "You will. You will. You will."
And then everything around her changed. It was suddenly white everywhere.
She knew she was getting somewhere but she didn't know where.
She walked and walked. She knew she was getting somewhere but where it was hadn't been formed yet.
But her walking helped her calm and think. She was beginning to get a feeling for who she is and who she was.
She was kept having images in her head of her TARDIS falling apart. Flames. Falling.
She staggered and closed her eyes as another image hit her. A moaning, angry face howling at her and arms reaching out and touching...
She opened her eyes again and saw a man with his back to her.
He was familiar she knew him. Or she knew someone like him years ago.
He turned to her and smiled. He spoke, "You know who you are. I know who I was. We are who we are."